SagePath Consulting Ltd.

Execution Excellence

Our core strength lies in our ability to transform ideas into actionable plans and help you execute them with precision. We take pride in our hands-on approach to get things done.


Practical Measures

We are firm believers in the adage, "What gets measured gets done." We ensure that every strategy is accompanied with clear metrics and KPIs, so you can track progress and make informed decisions.


Facts and Data-Driven

Stories are good, facts are better. In a world where data reigns supreme, we rely on facts and data to inform our recommendations and decision-making processes.

Our expertise

With over a decade of experience in front-line B2B sales and more than two decades in executive leadership roles spanning marketing, sales, operations and technology, we’re equipped to help your business thrive.

B2B Sales

With extensive experience in B2B sales – both on frontlines and at the national leadership level – we have an in-depth understanding of the challenges and opportunities you are facing. We can help you refine your sales strategies, create alignment with marketing functions, build your sales enablement muscle, optimize processes and drive revenue growth.

Executive Leadership

With decades of experience in executive leadership roles, we have a wealth of knowledge to draw from through every market cycle. Whether it's crafting a compelling marketing strategy, streamlining operations, or harnessing the power of technology, we have the expertise to guide your business to the next level. Sometimes you need your current talent to keep working IN the business, while we add the bench strength to help you work ON the business.